What We Do

Our engagement activities consist of various public education campaigns such as outreach education programs in the areas of census and redistricting, COVID-19 outreach, emergency disaster preparedness, and voter registration activities. Our outreach education efforts are targeted toward vulnerable at-risk communities of color.


Engagement Program
Our engagement activities consist of outreach education programs in the areas of census and redistricting, COVID – 19 outreach, emergency disaster preparedness , and tobacco awareness and education.

Nonprofit Compliance &

Management Support Services
Nehemiah Charitable Fund will begin providing operational support services to non-profits in Spring 2025


Assistance Program
We provide emergency assistance to individuals and families to reduce homelessness and hunger in San Bernardino County.

Leadership development &

Capacity building initiatives
The LDCP offers a comprehensive suite of training workshops, professional development seminars, and targeted capacity-building initiatives.

Racial Justice &

Social Equity Initiative
Our racial and social justice activities include youth civic engagement campaign for Black youth, community education for Reparations and policy advocacy and systems change to address anti-Black policies, racial bias and racism against communities of color and BIPOC populations.

To apply or inquire further about our assistance services

please call us at 909-383-0355