Leadership Development & Capacity Building Program

Nehemiah Charitable Fund utilizes a leadership development theory of change model that provides nonprofits with training, education, and technical assistance which aims to strengthen the infrastructure of organizations throughout their life cycle.  

Our Programs

Training Workshops

One-Day training

We train in the areas of Board Development, Financial Management, Fundraising and other nonprofit management topics.

Professional Development Seminars

2-3 Day training

Consisting of deep dive educational seminars that are designed to provide participants with a more comprehensive knowledge and understanding on various topics. 

Capacity Building Initiatives

Assists small grassroots organizations
  • CBICC Training Series: Capacity Building Initiative for Communities of Color (applications are now closed)
  • CBICHO Training Series: Capacity Building Initiative for Community Health Organizations (coming in Fall 2025)

To apply or inquire further about our assistance services

please call us at 909-383-0355