Racial Justice and Social Equity

Our racial and social justice activities include youth civic engagement campaign for Black youth, community education for Reparations and policy advocacy and systems change to address anti-Black policies, racial bias and racism against communities of color and BIPOC populations.

2024 - Policy Advocacy Agenda

Our Recent Campaigns!


Emergency Disaster Preparedness
Our Listos California Campaign provides outreach and education activities to vulnerable, at-risk communities in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. Our engagement staff conduct outreach to residents at various community events, promote CERT trainings in the region, and facilitate educational presentations on emergency disaster preparedness.


Voter Education & Civic Engagement
Our Voter Education & Civic Engagement consists of the Get Out the Vote Campaign and the civic engagement activities for Black youth in San Bernardino County. Activities include vendor tabling at community events, candidate forums, social media messaging, and voter registration drives.


Covid 19 Outreach
Outreach and education activities include engagement with at-risk communities in Riverside County to promote safety prevention education, testing centers, and social media messaging to address the recent spike in COVID-19 infection rates.

Policy Watch

Current policies and legislation that our organization is monitoring.
  • Proposition 36 – Oppose Essential to protect the progress achieved by Proposition 47, which invested in community-based solutions and reduced incarceration rates.

Policy Support

Legislation we are now supporting and endorsing.
  • AB3121
    Establishment of a Taskforce Committee to study Reparations for Black Californians

  • ACA 8 (Wilson)
    Ends slavery and removes “in servitude” from the California Constitution

  • SB 1050 (Bradford)
    Establish Restitution for Racially Motivated Takings of property without just compensation

  • SB 1331 (Bradford)
    Fund for Reparations and Restorative Justice;

Policy Lead

Policies and practices we are actively leading either independently and/or in partnership with our funding partners
  • Philanthropy & Racial Equity
    Whereby our agency has established targeted capacity building training, technical and funding opportunities for Black-led Organizations in the Inland Empire Region

To apply or inquire further about our assistance services

please call us at 909-383-0355